The company <<Norik 70>> LTD was established February 7 in 2003.
The company has been specialied in the construction field for already 18 years, promoting specialists for the professional preapering and training development and importing diferent building materials and wholesale trade reality of building field.
Due to the productive work, the company has replanished his team with high qualified specialists who realize professional, constructive, technical and traiding services corensponding to European standarts.
The company has expended geographically due to the reliable, dedicated and responsible work of the stuff and continues to ____ the limits of its activates in 2012 <<Bari Ishuk>> and <<Hamar Ishuk>> shops ephasing on it every kind of construction product, innovative materials and services.
The company has constructed and reconstructes residential districts in different corners of the city, not remaining indifferent to the improvement of the city, which contribute the newly built and civil environment design in our country.
Being highly appreciate by customers in market it expended the volume of the sales receving up to the point of improving and selling rarely encountered constructive products.
By receving various international certificates the company imports different goods all over world, especially Europian and Asian countres.
Being one of leaders in the market it cooperates and implements activities with more than a 1000 companies in Armenia and Nagorno karabakh.
By participating in different international exhibitions and cooperating with leaders of constructive companies in the international market during its activity the company’s mission is as follows: